Thursday, November 29, 2012

43 - Complications of Believing So Long

Most of all, we feared the flight of reasons —
Birdly light as wings, slim and pored as leaves —
For finding suspect flesh and stone;
For rejecting basicness in baser ores, of trees,
cadmium, hibiscus, mollusca and fur;
For pitying hearts thralled in glut of earth.
To not realize that privative, deep hunger is different
from depth — we ate our smoke
thin notions, dwindled, and shed credence
in the matterlusts now well beyond our breadth.
Capable only of dreams, we dreamed up
torments and lacks in the full red belly
of masterless delight,
and feared them.

Most of all, we feared it was simple.
That when scales alight from eyes and eyes
awash on solid shoals of sight,
all dreamed demons tatter on
the harsh, the brisking smack of happy
hardened hearts
brimful, combly-chambered
and abuzz with blooming joys,
nectar-drunk and sunned.
And nothing lay beneath this.
— That by then we would have lost the taste
for anything but burnt incense, on its way elsewhere.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

42 - A Portrait of the Artist as a Cheese

Like you, I came from curdling in milky heat
pressed out in cloth a daubing podge of butter-bright
fat, and full like a jelly sun
gemly glows, ungiving.
But I loved the feeling of being
promising so much
I stayed this way, too young for use,
too unclarified.
As you pressed yourself gone upon the world's tongue,
I regarded from a distance my rich
unpurchased food's improper beauty, kept
like honey for its topaz,
marmalade in garnet,
onyx bulbs of ripe
bobbing olives, those globed
saltfishes in a canned black sea.
This is life in glass and brine against
processing spoil riddling kingly jewels.
For now, I imagine I'm egg-pure.
I am not afraid of teeth,
but of villi, finger-combing my slender proteins
to find my chemistry--
that I am already made of rennet's animal death,
cannibal cream,
salt crystals that dissolve.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

41 - First Impressions of the West

I spent some time on an isle a blown
bubbled globe sufficiently wide, puffed of
breath, of spirit, of ideas to accessorize.
The people there wear feathered earrings,
bird fluff brush heads to
cerebral something like
paint in the colors of wind,
and catch Nature wending
in leylines strung between well-
tuned souls, feathers catching
a new dream of Tribe.
Their song is the sound
of it sounds like, thought
is the feels how
it looked like, and Knowing
is the buckskin on blonde
sign of an idea
of Knowing.

At the border the sea
is the changing Same, they say,
loving recycling and rights claims.
But turquoise and copper didn’t make me feel
more authentic. Just pale
and different, some flightless bird.

Monday, February 27, 2012

40 - Mobility

Easy, these shields
are light as beetleshells
protecting and unfelt but off
carapace carom some things
I can’t know now.
Look back to see what I saw
new child, tell
the shames of a then-child
too well in it to flame in
flush confessing its guilt
of low-class stain —
accuse with the bite
of a tidy kept babe
palate clean to taste tang
of humid shag and unwash pride
the slim slick inch above hunger
above the floor by height
of a secondhand bedframe
having only found that
one time vermin in
the vermicelli
left the bedding pissed
for a few days because what
what does an animal really care?
but our used clothes
had no holes in,
not even the sock-bottoms:
that kind of unselfaware
then wave the flag
of a last remaining dignity —
show me its outside,
show me seeing me shameful.
Groping for my own life
in dark senses
I can’t tell you how bad it was.
But I can tell you the precise
moment when some food
is still just okay enough to eat.

Friday, January 27, 2012

39 - Suburbia, and Every Home a Lighthouse

Houses under a moon are vague.
In dim pulses, restless ghosts aether beat against windows
making us omen-readers all, who pass them on return
from day labor to this necropolis of light.
Somewhere in fabled despondence this scene
was a metaphor of exclusion; the bright interior
outside me, and thought warm, full.
But domestic glow correlates with nothing definite, save
for these soft adulteries with easy feelings
against a frigid night’s withholding.
The spirits are opaque, as blinded windows
and I discover my longings in the meaningless Morse
of TV lights, practiced as a hotline psychic
at embellishing eager leads.
I live in a broad circle, this its paranoid nadir —
the bright, regular pulses so much like a signal
made for a passenger of dark, heart sparked
to the meaninglike contrast that cloaks its own
being nothing in particular.

Monday, January 23, 2012

38 - Going Lightly

Do you remember that famous Christian book about cults?
On the cover spun rainbow waters in a down-drain spiral —
America the melting pot, or, an oil slick was in our sink but it’s going away!
What were we doing on the rim of it?
What was I doing, learning how subtle variations in the gradient out
from pure light all end in the same darkest gone-away?
We were prodigies of collapsing space
forgetting pipes to waterways covering two-thirds
of a planet made just for men, who don’t swim far.
We were forging the ways our bodies go as minds move —
that is, self-limiting, or, why I can’t now unfold all
the crushed wax-paper skies above regions I belatedly see.

The weight of our bones in the world is decided early.
And even as I’ve strained to widen my eyes
for the dim of unholy wilderness I know
the being-in-it feeling is no known quantity of light.
Others muscle in pressing-going through the friction-real;
I stay thin air, where solid things vanish.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

37 - Passing

Footbridge west, in wire sheath shooing suicides to privater places
The air is close in agreement — go!
Souls of bleached stars transmigrate earthward as
Fools gold flecks of east hill homes electric test the resistance of viscous night.

Lawnfronts studded with grenade-weight cones
The rot bombs of spendthrift flora, I heft
A good palm-feel and sap-swell
To launch them, plant air in the sedentary fog.

Posters all-over-plastered in town tell me
Find your inner light!

There are so few places, any more.
I catch an errant breath of redwood pine
But it diminishes, like a teacher.